Today I saw Alternate Reality Gaming, a private obsession of mine, mentioned for the first time in a Danish newspaper. And it might not even be an ARG. In fact it probably isn't... unless further clues turn up.
It's certainly quite the mystery. University of Chicago received an odd package, addressed to a Henry Walton Jones, Jr. Check out this video about it. On the Uchicago College Admissions webpage, they describe it as such:

The package contained an incredibly detailed replica of “University of Chicago Professor” Abner Ravenwood’s journal from Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark.
This caused much puzzlement and of course, the big question in the minds of anyone who gets all excited and giddy over that sort of thing is, IS THIS THE BEGINNING OF AN AWESOME NEW ARG?
(picture borrowed from Uchicago)
On the face of it, the answer seems, no. Lucasfilm informed the university that this is not part of some viral marketing scheme. So maybe it is not. But what the heck is going on then?
I instantly turned to the prime source of all ARG knowledge, the argnet. They usually keep tabs on all new and exciting ARG occurrences, but I find nothing there concerning the journal mystery. Then I dived into the uncharted and murky depths of unfiction forum, where ARG enthusiast huddle in dark corners and share clues and rumors of all things ARG. There was one short discussion on the subject, including musings about how the package was sent exactly and the website which some of the text was taken from. ARG enthusiast are thorough! It seems to terminate thus however:
The best guess so far seems to be, that the package is connected to an Indy journal which has been put up for sale on Ebay. Still, it is very very odd... if it is indeed an ARG, more clues are bound to rise to the surface.. if not, well then, what a totally odd thing to happen!
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